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Play Work

PLayworks is fascinated by children's playground equipment. Since opening their doors in 1984, the team has never doubted that this is what they were meant to do.

Key Advantages of choosing Kids outdoor play equipment

Key Advantages of choosing Kids outdoor play equipment

From playing iPad to watching TV, children seem to spend more and more time indoors. The increase in the number of children who spend most of their time indoors has led to the publication of many studies highlighting the negative impact this has on their health and development. At the same time, the study also found that kids outdoor play equipmenthas many benefits. Here are just seven of them:


Playing outdoors helps children develop learning skills. By placing educational equipment outdoors, children will soon learn through games, which is a fun way to help children learn new information and new skills. Additionally, kids playground equipment encourages children to think that learning is an ongoing process, not just something done in class.


Outdoor games are very suitable for fostering creativity in children. Far from the constraints and limitations of indoor play, children's imaginations are often stimulated by surrounding objects and will quickly unleash their creativity.


Playing outdoors has many health benefits. With more play space, children tend to be more active outdoors, helping them build strong bones and health while burning extra calories and energy. In addition, even in winter, being in the sun also means that children will naturally absorb essential vitamin D. A lack of vitamin D can cause rickets. Hence, choosing the best kids outdoor play equipment will always be a wise decision.

Social skills

Because outdoor spaces are often less crowded than indoors, it is less intimidating and helps children get out of their shells naturally and become more sociable. This means that children will be more willing to participate in games and activities, and they are also more likely to talk to different children and make new friends. These encourage children to learn social skills and interact with other children without being supervised by adults.


Giving children the freedom to play outdoors can help them feel happier and more peaceful. As mentioned earlier, outdoors meaning that children will naturally get vitamin D. Vitamin D has been shown to help improve mood and create a positive attitude. Playing freely in the open also encourages children to release their pent-up energy, especially when they sit for long periods. This will calm them down and ultimately help them focus more.


The ample space for play means that when outdoors, children are often far away from the direct supervision of adults. This helps them learn to be independent when interacting socially with other children and to learn to play on their own. They know to take turns playing games, learn to fall and get up, and learn to deal with unfamiliar equipment, all of which help children learn to be independent and self-reliant.


Kids outdoor play equipmentis usually a bit riskier than indoor toys. Whether encouraging children to use the slide, they may be a little afraid to go down or try to walk up the slide bravely; outdoor play equipment can help children learn to push the limits and be good at-risk assessment. It also teaches them to explore new games and have the confidence to learn to try new things without adult guidance.

Most parents will agree that they want their children to be healthy, balanced, independent, and compassionate. What if we told you that the best way to instill these qualities in your children is to inspire them to spend more time outdoors?

Encourage children to spend more time outdoors. Staying away from technology will help your physical health and will also help you improve your emotional and intellectual health. Whether you are traveling to a nature park or hiking with your family, there is no denying the benefits of staying away and getting in the sun. Hence, choose the best kids play equipment and give your kids the right learning.


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